I try to build UE5 from sources on headless linux. Its engine build will be used only for build our android client on build servers.
I have installed all suitable versions of android SDK and NDK, have correct ENVs like a “ANDROID_NDK_ROOT, ANDROID_HOME, JAVA_HOME” but still see the next error when run “GenerateProjectFiles.sh”:
Some Platforms were skipped due to invalid SDK setup: Android.
On Mac and Windows platforms this issue was fixed by installed Android NDK 25, on Linux - thats fix not work
Ok, after two full days of research we found solution. On linux must be installed NDK r25b, not NDK r25c.
Perfect builtin logging and error printing in builtin build scripts. We had to write own debug logging for Engine build for understand this problem.
One hack for download not latest revision of NDK 25 - take a url for r25c and just replace version in body to r25b, then wget it