UE5 Build Errors: UnrealFileServer won't compile

Tried to build the source and ended up with a lot of errors in the UnrealFileServer build, so it would not build.


We meet these errors inside project UnrealFileServer when building 4.27.1. Not know the root cause.

has anyone managed to solve this problem?

I’m not. Only this project cannot been compiled successfully. Since we don’t use any feature supply by this project, we havn’t done any further research.

I have the same error,not solved until now

i aslo meet the error. I notice that “PublicIncludePaths.Add” not add the “Runtime\Engine\Public” in “UnrealFileServer.Build.cs” file . so i add “PublicIncludePaths.Add(“Runtime/Engine/Public”)” in that file. But is building… , i guess result by tomorrow.

oh ■■■■,is still failed