UE5 Blueprint not working in UEFN

I am fairly new at UEFN/Creative, I wanted to create a basic soccer ball was unable to implement this in UEFN as I could not find how to adjust physics settings to the extent that I needed. To solve the issue I created a blueprint in UE5.3, tested the ball in third party mode and it worked fine.
I migrated the BP asset to UEFN and inserted into my scene… launched the client and the BP asset cannot be interacted with… basically instead of behaving as a ball that can be interacted with… it is basically behaving as a static mesh.

I do not want to use the default ball or ball spawner that comes with the Fornite Assets in UEFN/Creative as I cannot customise the look and feel.

Any help or guidance on hos to resolve the above would be much appreciated.

Hi Battle Panda, Welcome to the Forums.

Blueprints and custom physics objects are 2 things that do not currently exist in UEFN.

I see Ball Mass, Gravity and Linear/Angular Damping on the UEFN ball settings. I’m curious to know what other ways you’re changing the ‘feel’ in 5.3.

To change the look of the ball, I wonder if attaching a proxy mesh to the UEFN ball is possible. (And how much lag/stuttering there might be)

Hi Astrotonic,
Thanks for you reply. I’ll have a look at the points you mention and get back to you with the results.
The only reason that I am not using the ball options provided with UEFN/Creative is that I cannot apply a custom skin to the ball itself…which as small an issue as it may seem is an important issue for me with regard to the look and feel of what I am trying to achieve.

Thanks again for your response.

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HI have you managed to make a football ball? I’ve been trying as well :C

I managed to make a cool looking soccer ball, and I can use this as a custom static mesh, the issue now is getting it to interact properly with the players and vehicles. For some reason the vehicles provided do not interact with the ball… as in when you collide with the ball at high speed the ball does not go flying off in a specific direction.

I suspect it has something to do with collision settings however I have not had a chance to dig deeper on this lately.

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