UE5 asks me to 'save level as' Every single I save all levels in Engine

I “solve” it by turning off auto save maps in project settings, and setting the value to false in BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings so I don’t forget to turn it off. I don’t do a lot of map heavy stuff though where I would lose a ton of progress on a crash. Creating a new level and then having it auto save before you ever actually save the level always triggered it for me.

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bah, yep, you’re right, Jay.
Deleting those temp files worked until I restarted next day, save loop came back.

Turned off Editor Preferences > search “autosave”, and turned off “Save Maps” only (left “save content” and “enable autosave” on), and had to restart unreal for it to stop looping-saving spare levels.

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this solution was working = deleting the map that was the problem in the Autosaves folder

  1. Try logging in to Epic games
    2.Open your unreal engine ( its ok if you have another unreal engine open, it will open
    another unreal engine browser)
  2. It will ask you a list that you haven’t save, just click no
  3. Open your project file.
  4. And click save all
  5. Close your unreal engine
  6. Open it again and see that all your files have save.

This should work, if you still have the data showing then your next goal is to save everything else but the levels auto saving and then what happens is u just turn off ue4-5 or what ever version your on and this will get rid of these extra maps. Also make sure to save often or youll lose your work.

For future results… :sweat_smile: I had 2 instances of the same project opened… silly me

Please, please, nobody follow this advice. This is typical “Sweep the problem under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist” behaviour. Auto-save is an important feature. It would be significantly better to find a way to address the actual core of the issue, rather than pretending it doesn’t exist. It could be negatively impacting other areas of the editor/project.