I have a Shop_Widget that forwards a STRING in the InsertItem variable. The STRING text is correct as the PRINT STRING displays “Wooden Sword has been added to your Inventory.” I am using ADD to add the item to the Inventory array. I then call the InventoryDisplay event from the BP_Character-Shop Blueprint, and the PRINT STRING displays “Inventory is empty.” I assume the ADD is failing…?
Try adding a breackpoint at the Add and ForEach node. First be sure Add is executed first. With each breakpoint; on the Add you can see the return index the string was added and its value, then on the stop at the ForEach breackpoint it should allow to inspect the values of the array to mannualy confirm its content.
If at the ForEach the added value is not there, right click the variable and search all references to find places where the array is modified between the two events.