UE5 Android minimum requirement

unreal engine 5 android 8 minimum requirements too high why? ue4 has android 4 support, why ue5 jumped 4 versions? i know to support new featurers but 4 versions is a lot, cant it be least android 7? or 6

Its a littel confused… because the minimum SDK is 23 (Android 6) but for Android File Server is SDK 26 (Android 8), and the NDK versión still almost the same (r21e).
I think 4.25.4 still the best version for Android (thats my opinion)

you CAN NOT use ue4.25 for andorid and play store, ue4.25 has a missing stuff to publish on the play store, 4.26+ support it tho.

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Okay folks, I found that UE5 minimum android version is android 6 and not android 8.
It is android 8 if you use the file server plugin! disable that ***t plugin LOL

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Can you help me: where I can set the minimum Android version?
I did turn off this plugin. But the Amazon store still req Android 8.

its near project settings> platform>android
also check
project settings>platform>android>android SDK
right now 5.1.1 you need set ndk 25
check this video for the setup
[Unreal Engine 5.1 SDK - NDK - JDK Set-up Full Guide 2022 With Proof UE5.1 Android Mobile SDK NDK JDK - YouTube]=

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