UE5 Android: failed to open descriptor file ../../../Lapa/Lapa.uproject

Hello everyone.

I’m trying to run the project on my Pixel 6a (Android 14), but usually got error “failed to open descriptor file …/…/…/Lapa/Lapa.uproject”.

Here are my Project’s settings:

I tried to remove Binary, Build, DDC folders, but usually got this exception on my Android.

Does anybody know what I’m doing wrong? (I’m using Unreal Engine 5.3.2)

Are you launching on device from the editor?

This seems to only happen on Launch from Editor.

Changing the Android Target version solves this (saw error on Android 30, didn’t see it on Android 29).

Also does not seem to happen if you Build Package and Deploy with bat file to the device.

Hi, Check your settings. If your project is in Shipping or Development mode.

If its in shipping just package the game and install from .bat . If u want to launch ur game for testing purpose in mobile make sure it’s in Development.

Hope it’s helpful


Yes, I’m trying to luch the game from editor directly

In that time packaging and installation with .bat (.sh) file works fine

Hi, Change your build configuration to Development and test it once again.
When you launch from editor the build configuration needs to be in Development.