UE5 AI Not Using Walk Animation (Behavior Tree), Anyone Else?

Used the same method as i did in ue4 to create a behavior tree and a ai character class. For some reason I can’t get it to walk. It will move, it just will not walk (it moves while in idle stance). I am using the same AnimBP as I am for my player character as well and the player character will play the walk animation when moving. Is this happening for anyone else? Is it a bug or is there just a new way of properly doing this?

NOTE: I used this tutorial to get the move to blueprint code:(Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - AI - Part 1 The Behaviour Tree - YouTube)

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Are you using the UE5 animation blueprint (ABP_Manny)? If so, I found that I needed to make a small tweak for the animations to play. In ABP_Manny find the box with the title “Set Should Move to true only if ground speed…”. In this box, connect the output of “Ground Speed > 3.0” to the input of the “SET” node for “Should Move” and this should resolve the issue.


Thanks This worked

Worked for me too. Thank you!


Thank you! solve my problem

Just found out the real issue I think, the issue is when creating a new Character Blueprint. It doesn’t automatically come with “Use Acceleration For Paths” checked. Once checked, the animation started playing so I didn’t have to remove Epic’s suggested code like @noprompt11 requested.

The Third Person Blueprint Character has this checked as well.

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