Title: Abandoned Space Station
Link to the video:
Student Submission: Yes
Credits to sourced content:
Denys Rutkovskyi for the Orbital Space Station Environment
LoomMan for the star sphere and planet blueprints
Bugrimov Maksim for the astronaut characters
PurePolygons for the dust particle effect part of their Downtown West Modular Pack in Environments
All of these assets were gathered in unreal engine marketplace
Links to each product can be found in the description of the video
Screenshots of the project in editor:
Hello everyone! My name is Thomas Dell, and this is one of the first big unreal engine projects I have done. I specifically started this project for this challenge about three weeks ago and I am glad to finally have it complete. I mainly work in unreal engine to work on environments and work on game ideas. This scene is also great because I designed it to be used with a game character in mind and it can run real-time in 4k @40-60fps on a rtx 2080. I chose to use this environment to best showoff my lighting skills, there are use of point lights, rectangular lights, emissive materials as a light, and lights within a blueprint I made that is used to flicker before it eventually goes out
Engine Version 5.0.2