I got an error when trying to compile the Engine (version 5.4)
The error message is very detailed and tells me exactly what I need to solve the problem (It’s sarcasm).
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: It looks like you’re missing some files that are required in order to generate projects. Please check that you’ve downloaded and unpacked the engine source code, binaries, content and third-party dependencies before running this script.
I followed the steps in this video to install the dependencies.
1 - I downloaded the source from GitHub in a ZIP
2 - Unzzip it here → C:\UnrealEngine-5.4
3 - Add the folder to Windows Defender exclusions (just in case)
4 - Installed python-3.13.2-amd64
5 - Check VS installation
Did you run Setup.bat before running GenerateProjectFiles.bat ?
Open your source folder in Windows Explorer and run Setup.bat. This will download binary content for the engine, install prerequisites, and set up Unreal file associations.On Windows 8, a warning from SmartScreen may appear. Click More info, then Run anyway to continue.A clean download of the engine binaries is currently 18+ GiB, which may take some time to complete. Subsequent runs will be much faster, as they only download new and updated content.
Run GenerateProjectFiles.bat to create project files for the engine. It should take less than a minute to complete.
Your source install folder\UnrealEngine\Engine\Saved\UnrealBuildTool\
It’s probably created some time during the compile process. I got nearly through the whole compile before I got the “error C4756: overflow in constant arithmetic” message. By that time the folder already existed. But I had to create the file myself.
The version you gave me is not there. (10.0.22621.0)
These are the most similar.
Windows SDK for Windows 11 (10.0.26100.1742)
Windows SDK for Windows 11 (10.0.22621.2428)
Windows SDK for Windows 11 (10.0.22621.1778)
Windows SDK for Windows 11 (10.0.22621.755)
Which one do I take?
Do I have to write the exact number in the XML? right?
Ok, I think it’s time to start with the dedicated server.
Let’s see if there are any improvements regarding the listen server… Although I really want to have both. XD Let’s see how I do that…
It seems like the game never ends… I think I’ve refactored the entire code like three or four times.
Two years and from the outside everything seems the same. But inside everything changed.