Ue5.4 city sample build

Has anyone tried running city sample on ue5.4? I cannot lauch the game , and remind me to refactor all modules.

most times Epic rename functions so i would just try to compile and check errors then compare what with 5.3. i found Rider easier to use to fix these errors than VS be honest

Ok,thanks.I tried it and changed the function name, but I always get weird errors, such as using an undefined type FSkeletalMaterial.

I’m running CitySample in UE5.4… It definitely feels more performant (apparently using more cores/threads now). However - when I press “SAVE”, any attachments are broken and characters/objects disappear to somewhere else on the map.

Obviously a big issue!!! I’ve tried in a blank project and it works fine, so its some type of bug or setting in CS.

Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions?