UE5.4 Car bounces in place and wont settle down while using raycasting

Disclaimer, im not new to programming but I consider myself still a beginner. This is also my first time using Unreal Engine.

(Edited this post for further clarity and refrenced the tutorial in question)

The video I am following: https://youtu.be/2EqFzRNxNLM?si=SwPwYIl_eJTmzbMW

I was trying to follow Ryan Laley’s youtube tutorial for a kart racer and the suspention isnt working as in the video. I started a fresh new project on UE5.4 to follow the tutorial EXACTLY as he did it just in case too. I believe he did things off camera to make it work because I followed the video EXACTLY and it didnt work.

His “Get Unit Direction (Vector)” node shows 90,000 units around the 13:00 minute mark but it didnt work for me. The box car dropped to the floor. I had to use -90,000 and it started to float. So I then flipped his Trace Start and Trace End connections and the suspention started working now with 90,000 as in the video (it looks like he flipped these off camera and didnt say that but maybe not, im not 100% sure) but it bounces in place slightly yet wildly and wont settle into a neutral position. It looks like the car is driving over rough terrain, but invisible, and the car isnt even being driven, it just tap dances there nonstop.

However, with the line trace debugging type toggled to “For One Frame”, the line is flashing red and green wildly even though the car is in the neutral position and hasnt been moved. In the video, the line traces on his car are all red, all the time.

I recreated this project from scratch a second time just in case I missed something but the result was the same.

Can someone explain the following for me:

Why wont the vehicle settle in place/why is it tap dancing?

How do I fix this so that it behaves normally?

What is the meaning of the green and red debugging lines flashing non-stop in simple terms?

Any help is appreciated.

To anyone wondering. I fixed the raycast lines that were flashing red and green and the -90,000 issue. This is because I put put the scene components at the bottom corners of the cube instead of at the corners on the “0” Z axis as in the video. This, for some reason, stopped the red and green flashing raycast lines and now they are solid red and I was able to change the suspention strength to 90000 instead of -90000 now.

However, the end result is still the same. the box car bounces around like a wild bull. lol. After about 3 weeks and a few other Blueprints tutorials… I’m not sure if I should scrap this project and start over with a Chaos Vehicles tutorial, or stick with it and learn more about raycasting.