UE5.4.3 crash,repro steps very simple:

Create a third person template project.
Drag navigation into the scene and overwrite the map
Copy a third person character blueprint as AI, and loop the AI to follow the player character during the Beginplay event
Place 20 AI in the scene,
Click to play
Running around in the scene can trigger it.

crash info:
OutPose.IsNormalized() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp] [Line: 1556]

If someone encounters this problem and cannot find a solution at all, it may be because the CPU is broken. After using 13700k for a period of time, I will keep getting this error. I have tried reinstalling the system, replacing the memory module, and unplugging the graphics card.
Finally, the problem was resolved after replacing the CPU.