we are running into a serious issue with UE 5.4.2 Source Build.
We have build the engine several times now and all our projects (C++ + Blueprint) if new or existing are corrupting files on project build.
We get a corrupted error message like this:
Cast of 摅瑩牯慐桴彳䥌偟牡湥⽴⽁䅉l .彔䉘䵟湥彵楌桧彴㈱砸㈱8 to Package failed
We can trace down which file it is but it’s usually a file created in Binaries or saved. We know this as deleting all created folders from the project (Saved, Binaries, Build, …), recompiling the engine and then recompiling the game fixes this issue and we can build the game.
It does not matter if be build from Project Launcher, command line or the drop down menu. The issue occurs in new blank projects and in projects which compiled perfectly fine in 5.3 and at some point to compile perfectly fine in 5.4.
The issue is it can take up to a day to create a new build due to this issue.
We tested and reproduced this issue on 4 different systems.
Is there a known workaround for this?