UE5.3 World Partition randomly shows no cells and loads no content in PIE

Hello, I recently updated to UE5.3 from UE5.1.

Around 3 out of 4 times in PIE no cells are loaded and world partition displays no cells in the debug draw.


  • When it does work, cells show up using the debug wp.Runtime.ToggleDrawRuntimeHash2D
  • When it doesn’t work, there are no cells displayed, even unloaded
  • My world bounds look normal in the debugger in UWorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash
  • Everything is correct in standalone or a package build
  • This worked fine in UE5.1

Tried but didn’t help

  • Building the level multiple times
  • Duplicating the level
  • Removing level instances from the level
  • Changing back to default game mode (GameModeBase)
  • Play from here

Here is an image of no cells displayed during a failed case:

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I have found a workaround.

World Settings → World Partition Setup → Advanced → Use Grid Aligned Levels
Set to false. (Project Default is enabled)

Beats me why this works, but I guess it unblocks me.


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