[UE5.3] VR Controllers vanish when editing InputMappingContexts (VRTemplate)


So I assumed someone else had found this issue already, as I can’t seem to escape it and it’s very easy to reproduce. But I haven’t found any mention of this anywhere…

Steps to reproduce:
After opening the VR Template (Blueprint) that ships with Unreal 5.3, i open the IMC_Default InputMappingContext, and I add a new InputMapping into it.
After doing this, I press Play to Play in VRPreview, and both the controllers / hands are now gone / missing, and no input mappings from them work at all.

I’m able to consistently reproduce this by following the steps above.
Even if making my own InputMappingContext, I was able to add one InputMapping one time, but the next one I added, removes the controllers again. And they reappear ONLY if i remove this mapping, or ensure it never gets loaded onto the VRPawn.
I need more InputMappings, and even adding new ones and adding them to the PMI_VRTemplate even messes it up sometimes…

What the hell is going on here? I have no errors from the InputMapping or any compiler errors. Why are the hands / controllers missing and not sending any inputs? How is this so easy to mess up? If I didn’t JUST change that part, I’d have no idea what changes I made that could make the hands stop appearing in-game.

Here is a quick video of me just adding the InputMappingContext to the PMI_VRTemplate.

I guess you’ll just have to believe that the hands are being waved in front of the camera after adding it to the PMI_VRTemplate PlayerMappingInputConfig… lol

This seems like a bug to me, if there was a problem, Unreal should report this problem to me. But I’m getting no warnings from this or errors from this.

It turns out in my case, the problem was that both InputMappings in the InputMappingContext shared the same “description”…

This seems like a small thing to cause such a big issue, so I’m assuming this is a bug.
But if anyone else has a problem with controllers / hands disappearing after adding a new InputMapping, check the descriptions to ensure they’re not identical.

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