UE5.3 - Peformance halves with every open slate tab


I seem to be experiencing weird issue
Basically when I hover over any of those buttons, the framerates go from 120 to 60 and ms go from 8.3 ms to 16 ms


But it gets weirder.
With each toolbar open the performance halves further and further

Here you can see, frames went from 60 to 30 and frame time from 16 to 30 ms

Now lets go even further and go into another window

We are now getting 25 fps and 40+ ms time!

I have confirmed that i have vsync disabled (vsync enabled has same results)
I have confirmed that my windows toolbar is not setup to auto-hide
I have confirmed that my gpu drivers (RTX 3070) are up to date
I have confirmed that ‘use less cpu when in background’ is set to false

So i’m kinda at loss what could be causing this

  • Thanks