UE5.3 foveation issue

In UE5.3 release note, I found two fixes related to foveation

  1. xr.VRS.FoveationLevel 1-3 to enable foveation.
  2. xr.OpenXRFBFoveationLevel (Default=0)

I tried the option2 by using xr.OpenXRFBFoveationLevel, but it doesn’t work.

I checked the source code and print some logs UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRHMD/Private/OpenXRHMD.cpp at 5.3 · EpicGames/UnrealEngine (github.com). It seems like that GRHIVariableRateShadingImageDataType always equals to VRSImage_Palette. Then the foveation can’t be enabled.

Did I miss some settings in project settings or it is a bug in UE5.3?