UE5.3:: Default Mesh from a Character Blueprint has no details.... WHY?

I created my first Character BP for this project in UE5.3, opened it, clicked the “Mesh(CharacterMesh0)” and as a mesh I choose an skeletal cube for testings, after I finished testings, I removed the cube, closed the engine, restarted it, and NOW… If I click “Mesh (CharacterMesh0)” There are no details in the details panel, so I can not add any other mesh.

After many testings like: restart the engine, etc, I duplicated the original “Mesh (CharacterMesh0)”, and now the duplicated version does have details, BUT I can not remove the original “Mesh (CharacterMesh0)”… LOL crazy, here is a picture:


What happened? Is this a BUG in UE5.3???.. such a risky one, what if that happens after months of working that BP, is this really a bug or just me not doing something correctly, please help!

CharacterMesh1 is add in blueprints
CharacterMesh0 is in c++.
If it’s a c++ project then try compiling it from your IDE, it’s details should return.

It is a regular third person BP Project, no C++

Try forcing the editor to compile on startup

Thanks but before that, I removed the BP, and created a new one (thankfully it was my first BP so it did not have any data… thankfully…, but I already had set Inputs in the controller, also had the game mode, so I replace it in a few places,

If it happens again I will try.

I think… the probable cause might be: (Probably… can’t confirm) that instead of removing the cube from the mesh details, I might have clicked the cube in the editor viewport and press delete from there, I can’t confirm this now of course, just a noob mistake if that was what happened.