UE5.3.2 - Oculus Touch buttons not working on second launch of VR Template

Hello everyone,

I am new to Unreal Engine, and decided to start on the 5.3.2 version. I am currently trying to use the Unreal VR Template, and launch it on a Quest Pro using the MetaXR plugin.
The thing being that, when first launching the VR Preview, everything works fine (headset view, controllers tracking and buttons), but when I get out of VR Preview (with ESC key) and launch it again, without doing anything else, it doesn’t work :
I can see the Template in my headset, and it tracks my hands, but I can’t use the Oculus touch’s buttons.

When reloading the editor/restarting the computer it still doesn’t work.

Right after creating my project, I always follow the following steps, else VR Preview will just not work on first launch :

  • Disable OpenXR plugins
  • Restart Editor
  • Enable MetaXR plugin
  • Restart Editor
  • Make sure to configure the project for Android in Project Settings > Android
  • Launch VR Preview (first launch works fine, and then it never does again)

I have also tried building the project (enabling the OpenXR plugins) and launching it on the Quest Pro, and the buttons work well in that case.

My settings are :

Under Project Settings > Platforms > Android :

  • Minimum SDK Version : 32
  • Target SDK Version : 32

Under Project Settings > Platforms > Android SDK :

  • NDK version : 25.1.8937393
  • Java JDK : 17.0.9
  • SDK API Level : latest
  • NDK API Level : android-32

Included below are also the logs from each launch :

I’ve already spent two weeks getting loads of problems just to see the template during VR Preview, and I’m getting out of options on this one … but I feel really close to the end of all of my problems with launching projects in VR, so any help will really be appreciated !

Thanks for taking your time to read me, and maybe trying to help !