I’ve made a custom Control Rig for imported skeletons.
The spine joints are orientated with -Y along the chain, as opposed to the default UE +Z.
So when I create controllers for these joints, I suffer gimbal lock when rotating the spine controls. I can see the values of the other 2 axis flip to -180 when I pass 90 degrees on the spine twist
Within the Control Rig asset, I can change the Rotation order under ‘Transform’ ‘Current’ to Euler XZY & this fixes my problem - I can see that when rotating beyond 90 degrees, the values on the other axis no longer flip.
But this doesn’t actually seem to apply to my Control Rig once in animation mode in sequencer - the rotation order appears unchanged.
What’s more, when I close & open the project, inside my Control Rig asset, all the ‘Transform’ values for that controller have returned to their default setting of ‘Rotator’.
So my question is where can I really change the rotation order of a controller, because this setting under transforms seems to be just for testing.