UE5.2 Editor Crashes When Open A Project From 5.1

I have an OpenXR/Lumen/Nanite project that runs fine in Unreal 5.1. If I try to open it in 5.2, the editor crashes as soon as the project is loaded. The crash reporter has the following error message:

Assertion failed: CurrentGPUVirtualAddress != 0 [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12DescriptorCache.cpp] [Line: 587]

If I edit the project’s DefaultEngine.ini to change the RHI to from DirectX 12 to DirectX 11, the project opens fine. But this is not an option because I need DirectX 12, which by the way works perfectly fine in 5.1.

I am on Windows 10, RTX 3080, latest Nvidia GameReady drivers.


How did you fix this?

Try disabling vr.InstancedStereo if you have that enabled, seeing as you have a VR project you might have the same issue as me.
It’s only a workaround, though.


Oh, well now that’s interesting! Disabling Instanced Stereo did the trick. How did you figure that out? Is this a known thing?

Thanks for this tip! Like you say, it’s a workaround and I’d like to get muh Instanced Stereo back, but at least I can continue work on my project in 5.2.

I tried commenting out all rendering settings in the DefaultEngine.ini to see if that prevents the crash and when it did, I proceeded with divide and conquer to figure out which setting(s).

It is a known thing, apparently it was a fluke that it worked in 5.1 and official ISR support for Nanite comes in 5.3.


Wait. How can it just “WORK” in 5.1 but then 5.2 it doesn’t? Is it just a deep-engine backend thing with how the rendering is setup?

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