UE5.2 crash caused by niagara particle system + audio spectrum 'NiagaraDataInterfaceAudio'

having the same issue. just started looking into the code. thats where it is crashing

void FNiagaraDataInterfaceProxySubmix::AddSubmixListener(const Audio::FDeviceId InDeviceId)
	check(!SubmixListeners.Contains(InDeviceId)); //LINE 191
	SubmixListeners.Emplace(InDeviceId, new FNiagaraSubmixListener(PatchMixer, NumSamplesToBuffer, InDeviceId, SubmixRegisteredTo));

in fact the chack statement intentionally crashes the app if the condition is not met.

so to me it seems like there got some bug into 5.2 that should be handled by the devs

if you have a source build and can change it you could change that line to

  //report warning to fix later

this may however lead to other crashes :slight_smile:

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