I am creating a grassy patch in the middle of my landscape with PCG. I’ve followed the tutorials on how to do that with a closed loop, and filled the interior on the Spline Sampler node, and using the falloff curve so I can feather the outsides of it. I am cutting a road through a grassy patch with a Difference node, and a subtraction spline. How do I resample the center of the new two patches of grass so they fall off and not create a harsh bunch of grass patches near the edges of the road? Is there a way to procedurally do it so that if I modify the road, I always get the center of the new patches that were cut? Or do I just need to use two spline loops to create the effect I want?
Without seeing the graphs hard to say exactly, but sounds like you are removing the grass when road placed.
If you switch the logic say build road then sample after for grass your falloff logic would be at the end instead of the middle to be very simple.
That way when your grass generates the points its already excluded the road, hopefully that helps.
The logic makes sense. Do you have an example on how to do that? So right now, I have 2 BP actors, one creates a spline with a tag, and one that creates a spline that cuts thru with another tag. PCG graph has 2 get spline data and 2 spline samplers that are connected to each other by a difference node to subtract. How do you spawn new points after this and then sample the distance from the center of the new divisions?
Wait, nevermind, I figured it out. I had to union the subtraction spline with the outer spline of the loop, then I used a distance from the loop interior shape to this newly formed loop / subtraction spline combo. Worked like a charm!
Glad you figured it out but make sure you mark the solution to help others out
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