UE5.1 VS2022 C++ Build Error With MSB3073

vs2022 error

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	MSB3073	The command "D:\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat CPPEditor Win64 Development -Project="D:\UnrealProject\CPP\CPP.uproject" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild" exited with code 6.	CPP	C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	44	
live coding detai

live coding detail

Running D:\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat -Target="CPPEditor Win64 Development -Project=""D:/UnrealProject/CPP/CPP.uproject""" -LiveCoding -LiveCodingModules="D:/UE_5.1/Engine/Intermediate/LiveCodingModules.txt" -LiveCodingManifest="D:/UE_5.1/Engine/Intermediate/LiveCoding.json" -WaitMutex -LiveCodingLimit=100
  Running UnrealBuildTool: dotnet "..\..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll" -Target="CPPEditor Win64 Development -Project=""D:/UnrealProject/CPP/CPP.uproject""" -LiveCoding -LiveCodingModules="D:/UE_5.1/Engine/Intermediate/LiveCodingModules.txt" -LiveCodingManifest="D:/UE_5.1/Engine/Intermediate/LiveCoding.json" -WaitMutex -LiveCodingLimit=100
  Log file: C:\Users\Ruiz\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt
  Building CPPEditor...
  Using Visual Studio 2022 14.33.31631 toolchain (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629) and Windows 10.0.22621.0 SDK (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10).

I met a MSB3073 problem when I build my script in vs2022. But i could use the Live Coding to build the project , and the Actor Class worked . what happen ? Someone can tell ?



I believe that found the problem, if the Live Coding configuration of integration is enable in your Unreal Engine 5, can be this that are creating the conflict of Mutex :eyes:

Try disable the Live Coding or press Ctrl+Alt+F11 in the editor(VS2022) or game, and try compile again.

This information are in a log file from Unreal Engine 5 in:


See below the complete message:

Checking for live coding mutex: Global\LiveCoding_D++Epic Games+UE_5.1+Engine+Binaries+Win64+UnrealEditor.exe
Unable to build while Live Coding is active. Exit the editor and game, or press Ctrl+Alt+F11 if iterating on code in the editor or game
BuildException: Unable to build while Live Coding is active. Exit the editor and game, or press Ctrl+Alt+F11 if iterating on code in the editor or game
at UnrealBuildTool.HotReload.CheckForLiveCodingSessionActive(TargetDescriptor TargetDescriptor, TargetMakefile Makefile, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ILogger Logger) in D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\HotReload.cs:line 231
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.Build(TargetMakefile[] Makefiles, List`1 TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, ILogger Logger) in D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 526
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments, ILogger Logger) in D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 242
at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String[] ArgumentsArray) in D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 648
WriteFileIfChanged() wrote 0 changed files of 0 requested writes.

have many more informations, but are personal information from my project and path from ssd :smile:


I have same problem with VS2022 in C++, follow the commentary from [reddit]((Reddit - Dive into anything). see the comentary from Silent_Power2350 user.

Is something like a “deadlock” , “same process trying access the same file”

Appears that the MSbuild and ue5 Build are in conflict, the flags -WaitMutex and -FromMsBuild return a value error from MSbuild and so the ue5 Build return the “final error”

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I’m getting this error in both VS2022 and Rider
I even restarted the computer and it still did it

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you try disable the Live Coding ?

See the post above: UE5.1 VS2022 C++ Build Error With MSB3073 - #2 by onedev

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Each time you got this ugly error
1.close the unreal
2.close visual studio
3.go to project file → binaries → win64 → delete the files inside that
4.run visual studio
5.in right side → click in Game File → right Click on project name → Rebuild
6. then that way but Build
IF you got success from two Above section THEN
7.ctrl+F5 to run unreal

its worked for me after 1 day searching in this poor community


Thanks a lot! :100:

This worked for me, thanks a lot for posting the solution.

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In my case it only happens when I run it as a development server in VSC 2022, because when I use development Editor it does not happen and the application runs well, but I need to run it as a server since I am using AmazonGameLift, is there a solution?

This worked for me too. I really appreciate your help :v:

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please could you help me? i have this error

Severity Code Description Project File Line Status Deleted
Error MSB3073

Things I’ve already tried

delete the contents of Binaries, DerivedCacheData, and delete folders from Saved, Intermidiate as well as the sln file also right click Generate Visual Studio files
installing more recent .net versions, restart and recompile, disable and enable live coding, from the editor this only happens in Development Server VS2022 mode, Development Editor VS2022 mode does work correctly, but since I am following the integration with GameLift directly from the documentation, I cannot find the error

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This worked for me as well.

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hello, worked as Development Server → Win64 → Run??

I’m using Development Editor->Win64->“ProjectName”

hello, Yes it works as an editor but when I try to build a Windows application as a server I get the error again, I mean I need it to work from VS 2022 as a development server, do you know any way to achieve this?

This worked for me! Thank you!

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This solution worked for me too. Thanks a lot! :heart_eyes:

The problem in my case was that I was missing a PublicDependancy. Source of my fix:

Very Good!!!

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have you found a solution or what happened to you?