ue5.1 visual studio 2022 build failed

I moved the folder path and also deleted and installed Visual Studio. Hell.
It says identifier not found.


I can’t seem to reference C:\Users\me\Documents\UE_5.1_release\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Python3\Win64\includePyarena.h .

How can I solve this??
thank you

I assume you’re talking about the python script plugin.

This is the documentation for it,

You should probably read through that to understand it a bit more.

Removed deprecated functions(PyArena_, PyParser_ , and PyAST_*) for python 3.10+ use.
edit: not only for 3.10+ use, but those functions were undocumented and many of them are not really supported: What’s New In Python 3.10 — Python 3.11.1 documentation