UE5.1 UMG Widgets are functional but invisible on Android

All my widgets are invisible as of 5.1 when packaging to Android, despite the fact that they are working correctly.

I can tap the screen where the button should be and it works. I have tried adjusting the anchors to middle, setting custom screen sizes and even disabling the effect material on retainer boxes but they are still not showing up on my phone screen.

Any idea why is this happening?

same question,did you solve it?

Hi there @fiddy5ent, hope you’re well!

This topic has been moved from International to Programming & Scripting: Blueprint.

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Thanks and happy developing!

Same problem with all sub elements of URetainerBox. They are clickable but invisible
UE 5.1.1 + Android build

fix for UE 5.1.1 + Android build

