UE5.1 Smart Objects - Help Animating the Smart Object Itself

Hi there,

I’m new to using the Smart Objects, and had a question about setting up the Smart Object to play its own animation when interacted with by an AI or player character.
e.g. AI “uses” a chest, and the chest itself plays an “open chest” animation

Currently, I’m able to get the AI to play an animation montage when it uses the object. But am a bit stuck on figuring out how to get the object to play an animation

I’ve used Interaction Interfaces in the past to get objects to animation upon interaction, but was hoping to tie this all in with the Smart Object feature (if possible)

If anyone has any ideas, any help would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hey @ropnud! Welcome to the community!

Do you have the gameplayBehaviorSmartObjects Plugin enabled?
You should be able to add an animation to a behavior tree using that.

Or are you saying you’re doing that, but it’s only running said behavior on the AI character using the smart object?

Hi @Mind-Brain,

Yup, yes I have the plugins enabled (Smart Objects, AI Behaviors, and Gameplay Behavior Smart Objects)
I’ve followed the QuickStart tutorial and I’m able to get the AI to perform an animation when it locates and uses the SmartObject

I am trying to add in a new section to the Blueprint to tell the SmartObject itself to play an animation when interacted with by an AI

I’ve been having some trouble figuring out what to do

Can you show me your interact code? You SHOULD have an “OnTriggeredCharacter” event node with an output you’re using to tell the interacting “Avatar” to play an animation. There should be a “Smart Object Owner” blue output there with that. You can use that to call a “Play Montage” with target of “Smart Object Owner”, I’d just run it directly after the “Avatar” PlayMontage.

Okay great that worked! I had tried doing it before when I was trying to figure it out
…but I forgot to create an anim blueprint for the SmartObject itself so it could play anim montages lol :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your help!

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