Using Unreal 5.1, basic TPP template.
Root motion is not enabled. When I turn capsule collision off and setting the character movement mode to None or Fly, the character still collides with environment even though the actor and its components are not moving.
So the thing is, this animation raises the skeletal mesh up, but the Actor themselves isn’t doing that. The Animations act specifically on the skeletal mesh, not the Actor. So what’s happening is:
do you see that little red dot beneath the floating character? It’s checking distance to a static mesh beneath the character to determine your animation height. That’s a line cast down, I believe, checking distance from the ground. It’s necessary for IK, so don’t get rid of it! That has to be disabled and then re-enabled after the animation and reposition of the actor, which you can do within the montage. Alternatively, you could change the start point of the cast down to be based on the actor’s position instead of the static mesh’s position. I don’t know how you have things set up, but I hope that helps point you in the right direction!