UE5.1 Landscape Physical Material Needs To Be Rebuilt

I downloaded UE 5.3 for the first time, created a blank scene with no starter assets, and this error popped up. I guess it hasn’t been fixed. Even rebuilding doesn’t solve it. Switched from Unity and the problems are starting by just opening the program for the first time, lol. XD

Same issue :confused: created a default landscape and this s just comes out, ‘build landscape’ option sadly doesnt work…

Hi,Can you tell me how to change this code

You don’t need to change any code. Just rebuild the level and then play the level. It will remove the error from the display.
I wouldn’t recommend changing code because it would only be a temporary fix if it were to get patched in a future update.


This warning disappeared for me after I did the following:

  1. Landscape Material Instance > Physical Material slot, add any Physical Material.
  2. Save the Landscape Material Instance.

At this point the warning vanished. I found I could then remove the Physical Material that I had added and the warning didn’t come back. I don’t typically need Physical Materials in my Landscape, so I realise it may not work for those who do, but I hope this helps someone else regardless.

I found a workaround for this that worked in my case.

I’m on 5.1 and I’m using several physical materials in my landscape (which is imported from Gaea):


During the game I’m making a trace to find the lanscape physical material and within PIE it works fine (it finds, let’s say Dry Lake Physical Material if the player pawn is there), but on Standalone or packaged build it doesn’t: it returns the DefaultPhysicalMaterial.

Building physical material did nothing.

The fix:

Went to my landscape material and picked any physical material (it doesn’t matter, since the actual physical material will come out from the output).


Then built (not sure iif that did anything). Then ran standalone mode. The warning is still there but the trace now returns the correct physical material (Dry Lake).

Hopefully this helps someone.