UE5.1 Complex collisions not working

Hi - I have made a simple-ish collision mesh for my pawn and want to use Complex collision option with it as it is my main pawn however whenever I set my mesh to use complex collisions it no longer collides with anything.

I have simple and complex collisions as you can see in this image but only simple works - UE5.1?

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Changing collision complexity and complex collision mesh may help.

I have the same exact problem. If i select “use complex as simple”, even if both collisions are present (like in your pic) then the actor doesn’t collide anymore.
Simple collision works, though.

Have you managed to solve it?

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You should start your own thread with details & images- I’ll bookmark your profile and check in tomorrow to see if you still need answers.

Make sure you’ve enabled customized collision and have the proper collision settings in the place you’re actually using them rather than just the mesh defaults. I would also highly recommend you use a custom made mesh for the collision mesh- it’ll be much better for performance than just using the mesh itself.

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I’ve been using UE5 building my first VR project for about 4 months now. I am currently using UE 5.2. Although I’ve logged many hours in UE, I know I am still just a novice. But collisions have been very problematic. Also, stepping up on meshes (checked by default) such as cubes, cylinders, etc, and also meshes imported from 3ds max via Datasmith are highly inconsistent in their behaviors. Is there a thread or a resource that can aid in better understanding collisions in VR and the relationship with ability to step up on top of? Is VR “buggy” yet wrt collisions and ability to step up on? Thanks.

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Observation: I had my main floor of my building about 10cm above another floor I wasn’t using. For VR movement/locomotion the main floor seemed to have interacted in unpredictable ways with the one just below it in close proximity. I removed both floors and then redrew only one floor. This helped clean up locomotion anomalies when walking around (using the VR teleport feature). I still have step on inconsistencies but the double floor wasn’t helping. When floors are separated by a good distance they seem to work as expected. When one floor is less than a meter or so above another, step-on inconsistencies occur.

Disable nanite if you are planning to use complex collisions

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found a solution!

cant get better than this!