UE5.1 Chaos Vehicles not moving

Chaos Vehicles not moving when use Torque Control option when speed of the car === 0.
Tested Epic Game project Vehicle.
I disable steering for a front wheels and enable Torque Control option and Yaw Torque Scaling to 3.0. Then I update Set Steering Input to Set Yaw Input.

Car can’t turn left when speed === 0.
Car can turn right.
Car can turn left and right when speed is higher 0.

Also tested with Set Drive Torque function for each wheel, but in this case after I set “Set Brake” to 0 the vehicle stops accelerating at all, turn left/right not working too in this case.

1)Hey could you tell me your settings regarding the vehicle movement?
2) Does everything work correctly on the wheeled vehicle template or do you have errors there too?
3) Try using 5.0.3
Chaos vehicles work properly there


  1. Settings are default I just using default game from Epic game “Vehicle”, just updated with a Torque Control option and Yaw Torque Scaling
  2. No error
  3. Will try
    As I understand same issue UE5 Chaos Vehicles - #18 by Geodav

let me know if you can fix it :wink:

I’ve tried fix from here UE5 Chaos Vehicles - #18 by Geodav
and this solves the problem, not exactly perfect, but solves. Actually I decided to use AVS Advanced Vehicle System in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace. I am extremely disappointed that UE5.1 has this bug

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