Hi guys, I dont know whats the issue bute somehow my EU project takes 30mins to just autosave and even longer to save all.
I just started a project where I imported a .udatasmith file from a Twinmotion export cause I wanna visualize my Arch Project, but I cant work if the saving takes so much time.
these are my specs.
Does anyone have an idea what i can do to solve my issue?
Greetings @Abdulkadir_Ozen
The two areas I’d look at first are if you’re having any issues saving/loading files from the same drive with other applications(to rule out a drive causing a problem) and also I’d try to go into the launcher and verify your UE files. Let me know what you find with those!
Hi, i did both things you asked me to try and there are no problems, i can use the same files with other applications and Epic Games verfied everything
Does this occur only on 5.1 or other versions of UE as well? (If you haven’t tested, I’d try importing it into another version and see if it’s the same result)
I tried with UE5.3 and had the same issue
If it’s only happening with that specific project, I’d consider migrating the files over to a new/blank project and try it from there. Let me know if that fixes it.
This also didnt fix it
Are you running any plugins, by chance? (Also, if you have another drive, I’d move everything over onto it and test to rule out a problem with your hard drive)
the only plugins i run are cesium, datasmith and twinmotion content but i have projects where i have not this issue which i have here so i dont think its a hard drive problem, but maybe this project it to large and needs optimization but i have no idea how to optimize in UE
I’d recommend checking out this thread. Clock does a pretty good job explaining some of how to go about it.