Season’s Greetings
I am starting a new UE5.1 pipeline for a realistic corporate video project with characters no closer than medium cu. The plan is to animate the character/s in Real Illusion iClone using livelink. I’ve looked at making characters in CC4 or metahuman. Does anyone have experience of using both and if so, what were the adv and disadv of each?
It’s not that you don’t have a valid ask. It’s that both solutions are trash.
Make your own, with a custom rig, and you’ll be a thousand times better off.
If you have access to a rokoko/siesense/perception neuron suit, it’s even easier.
If you have an iphone, livelinking face capture into a custom rig takes but the time to properly weight paint the face bones to derive the 52 maximum poses from.
In either case, the process is usually, Live-Link into unreal. Record. Save out for a DCC. Clean up. Import into a clean project.
I’ll have to add in here that after trying to use Reallusion’s software for the last year and some change, that creating the character seems fine, but trying to get it to animate properly takes a LOT of work, and even with newer tutorials, the process still seems unfinished and leaves you hanging.
I might go the custom rig route soon, like through Blender’s auto rig, cause trying to get Reallusion’s software to work for a game is a pain in the ■■■.