UE5.1.1 Data loss in GameMode on restart editor

Curious if anyone else is experiencing / has experienced this. I have a game mode (BoozeGameModeBase_Bar) which is inherited like this:

For some reason, when opening the editor, Unreal decides to blank out a bunch of variables, like the default tick behaviour, default classes, and a bunch of custom ones:

If I revert these to the class defaults (which come from the immediate parent, BoozeGameModeBase), the Blueprint is marked as dirty and so I can recompile and save it.

This works fine for the rest of the editor session, but as soon as I close and reopen the editor it removes the data again.

This is far from the only data-related UE5 bug I’ve experienced but this is starting to get quite frustrating and unlike some of the others (e.g. if you assign a blackboard value to behaviour tree task, and the names match, it will remove the assignment on reloading the editor - fun!) I can’t narrow down what’s causing this.

Raised a bug with Epic on 22/03/2023 - no response yet. Duplicating the blueprint sort of resolves the issue, until I attempt to re-link it to things like levels at which point it happens again.

Can’t imagine I’m the only person encountering this issue.

Posting an update on this in case anybody else encounters the same issue, as it seems most people don’t know what was causing this. I submitted two bug reports to Epic but they ignored both of them, which was helpful.

The issue seems to be some circular dependencies, which are quite easy to create in Blueprints but don’t cause an obvious problem most of the time. In my case all it did was break some kind of initialisation when loading the editor, because if I corrected the values the blueprint would function correctly for the rest of the session. Despite this being a problem for some time, there is no built in tool or validation check to prevent this, it simply breaks things silently without warning or explanation.

The way to find the potential dependency loop is this plugin which is available for free on the marketplace. Not all loops seem to cause this, so I’m not sure what the specific conditions are.

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