UE5.1.0 Nanite Foliage Bug

Hello, does everyone have this problem? After Nanite is turned on, the vegetation in UE5.1 will keep moving vertically and crazily, completely floating off the ground.I hope someone can come up with a solution to this problem. Thank you

谢谢大家的帮助,我终于理解如何解决这个问题。我总结一下,就是找到植被的树干与树叶的母材质,查看它的主材质的world positon offset 世界位置偏移节点所有连接的Wind风吹节点里或连接的ObjectPivotPoint材质函数里,是否有TransformPosition节点,然后将Source的数值Local Space本地空间修改为Instance & Particle Space实例与粒子空间,保存,等待一段时间着色器的重新编译,即可解决问题。暂时测试了brushify系列与MAWI United GmbH的MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome植被,成功了,所以其它的UE植被资产里只要能找到这个ObjectPivotPoint材质函数与TransformPosition节点,修改即可解决问题。

Thank you for everyone’s help,. I finally understand how to solve this problem. To sum up, find the parent material of the trunk and leaves of the vegetation, check the world position offset node of its main material, check whether there is a TransformPosition node in all the connected Wind nodes or in the connected ObjectPivotPoint material function, and then change the value of Source Local Space local space to Instance&Particle Space instance and particle space, and save, Wait for a period of time for the shader to be recompiled to solve the problem. We have temporarily tested the Brushify series and the MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome vegetation of MAWI United GmbH, and succeeded. So as long as we can find this ObjectPivotPoint material function and TransformPosition node in other UE vegetation assets, we can modify it to solve the problem.


Seems to be something wrong with the foliage shader. You can easily figure if that is the issue by opening the material applied to the meshes creating these artefacts. Then disconnect the nodes going into the world position offset input.

Here is an image to showcase what you need to disconnect in order to see if the issue will resolve itself:

If the material world position offset is causing this issue, you simply need to tweak the values that goes into it. There are many great tutorials regarding foliage animation.

叶子着色器似乎有问题。通过打开应用于创建这些人工制品的网格的材质,您可以轻松确定这是否是问题所在。然后断开进入 world position offset 输入的节点。



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Found this post just now.
Experienced a similar issue with nanite-enabled trees in UE 5.1.0.

If your issue is similar to what I encountered then it is not-quite-a-bug and more with how a variable that’s often used for World Position Offset changed.

Paraphrasing what worked for me here:

The workaround was to modify the TransformPosition ’s Source value from Local Space to Instance & Particle Space.

More details in this post → here ← .

Good luck, I hope the info helps.


i fixed by finding an objectpivotpoint function (look for something similar in the master material for foliage, it will be referenced somewhere and ultimately connected to the World Position Offset material attribute) and changed the transform from instance&particle source to absolute world space destination. see image for reference. you may want to play around with the options, it should fix the issue.



thank you

thank you,I will try

Let me know if you end up getting it to work!

I have problem with nanite foliage. Like my framerate drops to zero, like nanite is not working at all, but if I use the same version of nanite meshes, they work…

你说“ 如果材质世界位置偏移 导致此问题,您只需调整其中的值即可。有很多关于树叶动画的很棒的教程。”但是只是降低风的强度,速度等数值其实还是有问题的,关键应该还是节点的连接方式出了问题,但我找不到网上有适合的教程来解决这个问题,毕竟这是因为开启Nanite导致的,虽然UE商城有些作者修复了它们的植物资产,但我还是不清楚他们怎么修复的。

据我所知,这应该是 链接world position offset里面的ObjectPivotPoint这个节点导致的问题,因为这个节点和Nanite好像是有冲突,只能识别单个Actor的原点位置,不能识别实例化后的单个物体原点位置。


Thank you, I finally understand.

谢谢,我终于理解如何解决这个问题。我总结一下,就是找到植被的树干与树叶的母材质,查看它的主材质的world positon offset 世界位置偏移节点所有连接的Wind风吹节点里或连接的ObjectPivotPoint材质函数里,是否有TransformPosition节点,然后将Source的数值Local Space本地空间修改为Instance & Particle Space实例与粒子空间,保存,等待一段时间着色器的重新编译,即可解决问题。暂时测试了brushify系列与MAWI United GmbH的MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome植被,成功了,所以其它的UE植被资产里只要能找到这个ObjectPivotPoint材质函数与TransformPosition节点,修改即可解决问题。

Thank you. I finally understand how to solve this problem. To sum up, find the parent material of the trunk and leaves of the vegetation, check the world position offset node of its main material, check whether there is a TransformPosition node in all the connected Wind nodes or in the connected ObjectPivotPoint material function, and then change the value of Source Local Space local space to Instance&Particle Space instance and particle space, and save, Wait for a period of time for the shader to be recompiled to solve the problem. We have temporarily tested the Brushify series and the MW Mountain Redwood Trees Forest Biome vegetation of MAWI United GmbH, and succeeded. So as long as we can find this ObjectPivotPoint material function and TransformPosition node in other UE vegetation assets, we can modify it to solve the problem.

Yes, I have solved it. See my latest reply

I had a similar issue that looked like a breathing blurry glitchy effect on just one of my foliage meshes, which was happening on every instance of it.

Turned out that on some of the materials for the mesh, ‘advanced wind’ was ticked and on others for the same mesh it wasn’t. so I ticked it on each material and it solved the issue. This was on one of the quixel megascans beech trees. I’m not sure if it somehow got unticked or it came like that when I downloaded it… I’m guessing the conflicting wind setting on the different material layers were making an artifact visible.