UE5.0 AR Testing on Android Device not working

Hi there,

I am trying to test AR on UE5.0 but it doesn’t seem to want to work. When I create the AR template project and try running it on my device I get the:

‘ERROR: Stage Gailed. Missing receipt C:\Users.…\Binaries\Android\MyProject.target’

First thing I noticed is the project file doesn’t actually include the Binaries folder unless I package it. Once packaged, if I run it as is, it’ll still give this error. The only way I can get the app on my device successfully is if I switch OFF the ARCore Plugin. At that point it runs on my phone, but once I try to scan the environment I get the error in-app that AR Core is needed to run it. Once I switch AR Core back on this error comes back. I would really appreciate any help I could get. Thanks!!

I would appreciate any help i can get!

I think, you must change target api level

Hi Cektantwork,

I tried doing what you suggested but it didn’t work.
When I try launching the project I get the following (even though I built the project before trying to launch):
“ERROR: Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘C:.…\ARtest\Binaries\Android\ARtest.target’. Check that this target has been built.”

And when I try Packaging the project I get the following errors:

  1. ERROR: C:.…\Unreal Projects\ARtest\ARtest.uproject does not look like uproject file but no targets have been found!

  2. Error: C:.…\Unreal Projects\ARtest\ARtest.uproject does not look like uproject file but no targets have been found!

I would really appreciate any help I can get!! :sweat_smile: :pray: