I did also have this problem - but played around with the ‘set range’ and started with a range of 0 to 5 and then after a few tries found 0 to 140 worked.
I’ve been unable to successfully compile 5.0.2. GenerateProjectFile.bat keeps failing due to outdated .NET, even though I’m on the latest.
To everyone else facing this issue: the problem seems to occur when the ratio between Animation length and import frame-rate results in a non-whole number. Tweaking your range can be helpful in some cases, but often results in critical data loss.
I had this problem. I opened up the animation in Maya, then changed the frame rate in the time slider from 29.98FPS to 30FPS, then re-exported it.
It all depends on the target frame rate of the skeletal mesh and your UE project. If you have other animations for that skeletal mesh, hover over them and check the framerate.
Try “Exported Time”. Under the check mark “import animation”, try choosing exported time vs animated time.
I always used animated time till it didn’t work.