Hello, There is currently an issue with unreal engine 5.
Me and my team are working on a game that is intended to be at 25 - 30 fps. However after setting in project settings framerate to 25, the side effect is that not only game/game window is at 25 fps, but also editor’s ui and editor responsiveness itself.
I don’t think this is intended, cause if you set desired framerate in project settings to 15 then so will be the editor ui and in result everything is barely usable due to laggyness.
How to replicate it:
- set in project settings desired fps/max fps to 15
- in editor press ‘ctrl + space’ multiple times to bring up content browser or any other easy to observe ui action
- you will notice that ui is less responsive and more janky and in general less usable and pretty annoying
Now repeat process with 120 - 256 fps forced
- you notice that ui is now super responsive and smooth when you do ctrl + space, right click or do any other editor ui action.
Note: This refers to editor itself not the ingame/part of game ui thing.
This makes it hard to develop and in-editor test fps 25 - 30 games as you need to bring fps back to 60 - 120 in project settings for editor to be comfortable to use.
Another thing to note is, that some people decrease max fps in game due to graphics card coil whine related to lighting (it only happens in lit and not unlit mode). Reducing framerates helps with that, although the result is that low fps = editor less responsive aswell
This can also be explanation for why many people experience lag with unreal editor while having strong specs like RTX 3090, they cap in project settings frames thinking it only will affect game and in result it also affects editor ui and performance. This is kinda counter intuitive as no-one expects framerates to be related to ui responsiveness itself!
Wish it could be resolved in future or fixed
- Thank you