UE5.0.2 packaging error

Packaging also fails for third-person game projects with nothing added.

Error related to Dotnet. Help me.

Hi @DylnHonol ,
The “Windows SDK not setup” was possibly incorrectly installed.
Did you try “Cooking” before packaging

Did you select Windows Platform?
Have you got the right dotnet library installed correctly?

These need to be installed BEFORE you package using the Epic Marketplace Launcher version

install from Download .NET Core 3.1 Runtime (microsoft.com)

in windows command type

dotnet --list-sdks
3.1.417 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
5.0.408 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
6.0.100-rc.1.21463.6 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
6.0.300 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

to find what SDK you have installed

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Thank you very much. It was helpful.
But I can see another error.
Unreal engine is really difficult.
Thank you.