Hi, I recently purchased some new content from the market place that I’d like to mess around with, but every time I try and put a mesh into the game/viewport the Editor just freezes and I have to restart. Everything with the editor wroks fine with putting other meshes into it. I dont know whats wrong, the content I bought is compatible with the current engine or I wouldnt be able to add it to my project, and I doubt the problem is my laptop not being able to add a complex mess, when I also tried to add a simple orange fruit mesh and it still froze. Can someone help pls and Thank you.
I also just tried to do it in a different map type such as when i first tried it was in a blank map and i tried it in a first person map and it worked so if that is the problem, can someone just confirm it so i know to only do this in a fps layout
Generally it will need to load all of the data and compile shaders for that object when you place it into the scene, since it is only working on one map, perhaps the presence/absence of a lighting object like a sky light is causing issues.