UE4Editor-Gamename.dll is not getting compiled

Hello ,
I just tried to use Rama’s Tutorial For Online Multiplayer System. But im having a big problem now.
When i try to open my Engine it is giving me error " UE4Editor-Gamename.dll needs to be compiled " and it doesn’t compile after i allow it to.it just says that u have to manually compile it. but i cannot find the file in my Game Files. Please Help i cant open my engine.
i didnt had Toolchain for vIsual studio 17 now i have downloaded it and that part is now solved.
I am using Unreal Engine 4.18.1… also i just created a C++ Class in order to get build and target.cs files
Please Help.


I had a similar Problem.
-In ur proect folder delete any interdimate folders ui can find (there can be more then one in plugin for example)

  • delete the binaries ur compiling. in my case i delted the compilede.exe + the plugin.dll and the project dll. like in … UnrealEngine\Projects\Tutorials_CplusPlus\Binaries\Win64

This will reload ur project. if it still doesnt work look into ur project.log. might be a c++ class error and then u have to fix it in Visual Studio first

I solved my problem. the problem was I didn’t had 8.1 SDK FOR VS. downloading it solved my problem

na i meant that part is cleared. i didnt had that so i thought that might be the issue. i didnt knew i had to download the 8.1 SDK for vs too. i downloaded it and now my problem is solved