UE4Editor.exe having 9,6 GB memory available/using up so much OS memory?

It says “only” 5 GB in use, but OS assures “9,6 GB available” (I have 20 GB RAM, of which 17 is full already! Yes running other programs too. But why is there 4 GB unused when 9,6 is reserved from OS?!)

Is nobody from the developer team reading the feedback forum? :confused:

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Your question isn’t clear, is UE4 crashing due to not enough memory or is it using too much or is it not using enough?

Just using too much.

Open a new project and go to editor settings -> miscellaneous -> show frame rate and memory. What does it say in a blank project? It says about 950 megs for me (should roughly match task manager). How much memory the editor uses is heavily dependent on loaded maps and assets in your project. If your project and/or a map in your project pulls in a lot of content then memory could be significantly higher. The editor also doesn’t perform streaming and object management like the game would do (i.e assets are not unloaded or garbage collected when referenced very often, levels are always loaded and not streamed). We do this because we favor iteration time and larger memory usage over constant load hitching (although there is still a lot more work to do to improve iteration times).

300 MB in the editor. I have the Squad SDK loaded. But no level open.

But what I now mean is that in task manager it says 11 GB in use!!! When I look at details of the process UE4Editor.exe it shows 7,7 GB in the column “maximum working rate (memory)” and even 9,6 GB in column “guaranteed size” (sry maybe wrong translations, in german it is 7,7 GB in “Maximaler Arbeitssatz (Speicher) (Arbeit=Work, Speicher=Memory)” and 9,6 GB in “Zugesicherte Größe” (sth with “assured size” or so).

This isn’t a problem for me CURRENTLY, as I still have 8,2 GB free, but in future I want to run a UE4 game AND the editor and browser etc at the same time… (and other users may only have 8 GB or 16 GB RAM in total, not 20 GB like I have. So users with 8 GB will DEFINITELY get/already have problems!!!)

Also, will UE be optimized for i5 6600k very soon? I have all 4 cores at 100% and still it takes 15 min or even longer to load 1 Squad SDK level…