UE4Editor closes when project is opening


I have a problem with running editor: When I create empty project or try to open existing, editor closes immediately.
My debug results:

    ULocalPlayer* UEngine::GetDebugLocalPlayer()
    	for (auto It = WorldList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
    		if (It->WorldType == EWorldType::GameRPC)
            UE_LOG(LogNet, Log, TEXT("OwningGameInstance (%x)."), It->OwningGameInstance ); //My own log
            if (It->OwningGameInstance != NULL && It->OwningGameInstance->GetFirstGamePlayer() != NULL ) 

It->OwningGameInstance is NULL and I don’t know why. When it’s NULL, application ends up.
Log from debug session in the attachment.
link text

My configuration is:
Laptop - Lenovo rtx2060, Ubuntu 20.04

Many thanks for any suggestions.

I found the bug:
When I open the project with relative path: ./UE4Editor Projects/First/First.uproject it doesn’t work.
I have to open using absolute path: ./UE4Editor /home/user/Projects/First/First.uproject
We can close the topic.