UE4 Will Not Let Me Add Marketplace Content That Is Compatible With the Current Engine Version

Hi Guys,

Might be a noob question, but I’m having some issues with my marketplace content.
I own the “50+ Vector Particles Pack” and the “VFX Spark Pack”. When I hover over the information(to check engine version compatibility) it says that it will work with 4.13. But when i go to add it to my project it will only let me add it to up to verson 4.10. Is there something i’m doing wrong, or is it a bug in the launcher?


Hi AustinFnFordham,

Try opening a clean, blank project with no additional content in the 4.13 editor and see if you are able to add the content to this new project. Additionally, please make sure your project is in 4.13, if not it will use the asset version of the project it is being applied to.

Awesome! That seemed to work. Thank you so much! I was so worried that the content i bought was going to go to waste!