Ue4 Widget's event tick not firing? Box Trace Interact Text.

Literally just after I posted this I solved it, turns out the position was the problem. My guess was the text went out of the screen and for some reason the tick stopped firing, or at least something related to the position. Solved it by clamping the axes by the screen resolution and it works perfectly!

Usually I would take this many screenshots but for this problem I’m lost. I have a box trace set up so when the player is close enough and they are looking at an interactable actor the mesh would get outlined. I’ve implemented a widget as the interact text to show and it would say “press e to interact” and it would be where the actor is on the screenspace. I’ve found that for whatever reason, occasionally the box trace would outline the mesh BUT the text won’t show. I’ve used print strings to try to determine the problem, unless I set the strings wrong, these are the things that I learned from them:When the object is outlined The Widget Is in viewport, is visible,The actor from the hit result is NOT null, the trace is hitting an actor, the event tick isnt firing, and probably more but as of right now I can’t think of them. So far the only reasons I can think of why this is happening is if the position is out of the screen, or something is stopping the event tick if thats even possible, or a node is firing at the wrong time, or something is returning null which idk what it could be. If anyone has any idea on what I’m doing wrong and how to fix it I would appreciate it. I am new to tracing and making pop up texts. Thx, Below is the code I’m using, and the results. -P.S. You can’t see the interact text because of the scale of the viewport, ill fix it if thats the problem I’ve tested if it is indeed in the viewport and working, and earlier I’ve found one of the axis values from the position reached to 2000 while tracing switching between actors and then the value stopped changing probably because of the event tick not firing.





Thats all of the screen shots and as of right now I’m trying to determine the problem.