You can try to asseble a team. I’m not a programmer at all. And that’s why I came To unreal4. Originally Kismet in UDK now Blueprint in UE4! By the way… What is the fastest computer you have?
Might be a bit difficult for me to assemble the team, given the current circumstances. How does BP work for you?
Fastest computer personally available? My computer I built. GTX 770 graphics card, i5 3570k processor, and 8GB RAM. Why do you ask?
It’s very likely that the doesn’t have enough power to run games, for laptops you really have to specifically buy a for gaming, otherwise they don’t have a good graphics processor since most people don’t need it.
Just curious. That will run Unreal perfectly! It’s way faster than mine!
BP works great. I have run into a couple bugs… But they have been mostly fixed. The ability to just go into Blueprint and Do 70% of everything is nice!
So… What game’s were you planning on doing? ( [This part is Refering to you’re economy reference, Cause It didn’t go through.] And don’t get me started on the U.S. economy! I will be leaving California soon probably. So much taxation! We need Gov regulation… But not this much! Now were turnin into a Socalist state! )
I know, even some desktops (and all-in-one) PC’s have difficulty running games. When they can, they have frame-rate drops, trouble opening games/being detected, and other various issues.
I’m in Illinois… very corrupted government here, and everyone seems to be in poverty. I’m planning to create a little 3D platformer, and possibly an FPS as well (my main goal is to create an FPS that’s different from the current standards).
You got some good game Ideas there. I’m working on a text adventure! Sorry that you live in Illinois. Both the Democrats and Republicans are pretty corrupt.
Well if he gets a newer computer than go for UE4. But you might be right. (I still despise Unity though. More like DISUnity. )
Oh text adventure? You don’t see many of those anymore! Yeah, I don’t understand why people chose to back them up. I’m not for one or the other, both have things I absolutely hate about them.
Is there any way to search for such packs? At least to see if there is anything decent out there.
I’ve heard AWFUL things about Cryengine when in all aspects. I’ve never dared to do so much as glance at it, to be honest.
Yeah, Illinois sucks. I’m moving as soon as possible, which is one of the reasons why I’m hoping to create a decent small game. I don’t have the mindset that I’m going to create something amazing, I just want to sell at least a little. As I said before, I just can’t find any good jobs right now so I’m just stuck sitting around waiting.
Text adventures are still out there! George washingon said Political Party’s would destroy us! The enemies of the Republic have Injected the poison into out system. It will collapse in upon it’s bloated self. Just like Rome. (Just hope our Dictator Is a good one! )
Yeah, Unity is icky! XD At least the community is (along with that awful asset store that you MUST depend on if you want anything more than a shader… which they just now added in for free users). I also hate how it’s all closed off and I’ve heard there are issues when you try to do anything complex (basically, anything that a mobile phone or tablet cannot handle).
Cryengine does have some major problems. But is not as bad as you think.
Hope you can get out of Illinois! The Republicrats (Like it?) have taken all our money… It’s funny, California had Ronald Reagen once. Now we have Jerry Brown Undearwear! (Who dumps our water!)
Some of those prices are pretty high. But there are some free one’s.
Everyone complains about documentation, the developers not willing to help, the community, performance, and a lot more. It seems like only the developers know how to use it, and that they want to keep it that way. Quite different from Epic and the Unreal Engine 4!
Honestly, I think the entire government needs to be revamped (SAFELY) somehow…
Here’s an example of something I’d love to have, but find ridiculous in price.
Epic Has been much better with Documentation with UE4. UDK had Doc problems but UE4 has fixed all their past errors. Unity5 is so freakin buggy. Crashed to the desktop Multiple times! And UE4 was running smoother that in some how?
And yes… The government does need a reset. No more dual citizens! (I’m not against immigration. But is should be done right. Not jumping a fence. personally I don’t know why they don’t Just overthrow there government.)
95 freakin bucks! NO way! I can do all of that with UE4! (And it was still cheaper when they were asking money for it!)
Exactly! This is one thing I really want, but already have in UE4. There are some other things, like cel shading that I’d like to mess with, but that’s a bit difficult to do in Unity because of how they oddly set things up. I really don’t want to spend all my money on that when it could be spent on better things. I understand that Unity receives money (like 30% I think) from their assets, but I hate how the engine is stripped down to a bare bones level. I wish that they could pay some of the asset creators to integrate/incorporate them into the engine.
Unity is pretty much a barebones engine. That’s why I’ve never really liked it. (Also they have ***** buissness practices. Pop ups in games? Really?) There are some good assests for Unity… But Unreal has most of that stuff already built in! (Look at community made plugins. they are great!) Also Ue4 does have the market place. But it is very nice, And usally reasonally priced. (I usually don’t use much off their. But hey! You can make something and get money for it!)