Ue4 vehicle game?

Guys where is the ue4 “offroad” vehicle game example I can’t find it on the marketplace?

It’s in the learn tab my firend https://i.gyazo.com/220e1ad47ed50c5c416df535771a01d7.png
I wasn’t paying attention but in one of Epics streams I think they said they updated the default vehicle project, so it might be worth waiting till 4.14(?)

true on that, you should wait for 4.14 where vehicles actually received a proper treatment

Thanks again guys!

Heres the stream https://youtu.be/6kfMVxNSowM?t=47m10s
It might be safe to assume they are only improving on the default project template and not the vehicle one I posted, hopefully they hit both eventually

Ok thanks!