UE4->UE5 Plugin migration - error: no member named 'ClassGeneratedBy'


After my plugin migration from UE 4.27.2 to UE 5.0.2, I can’t package plugin (in editor work well).

error: no member named ‘ClassGeneratedBy’ in ‘UClass’
const UBlueprint * BlueprintObj = Cast (Blueprint->GetClass ()->ClassGeneratedBy);

Here is my function:

FString UCP_BPL::GetBlueprintDisplayName (UObject* Blueprint)
	FString str;
	if (Blueprint)
		const UBlueprint * BlueprintObj = Cast<UBlueprint> (Blueprint->GetClass ()->ClassGeneratedBy);
		if (BlueprintObj != NULL)
			TArray<UObject::FAssetRegistryTag> OutTags;
			BlueprintObj->GetAssetRegistryTags (OutTags);
			for (int i = 0; i < OutTags.Num(); i++)
				UObject::FAssetRegistryTag Tag = OutTags[i];
				if (Tag.Name.Compare (TEXT ("BlueprintDisplayName")) == 0)
					str = Tag.Value;
			//str = BlueprintObj->BlueprintDisplayName;		/// <-- work only in editor, can't build with this here. But it's simpler and faster method.
	return str;

How to cast UObject to UBlueprint which work for package plugin ?
Maybe commented line instead of code above (it can’t package in UE 4.27.2) ?

Unfortunetly, UE5 don’t let you access to ClassGeneratedBy in build. So I need to refactor and make function simpler but used only in Editor.

FString ULibrary::GetBlueprintDisplayName (UObject * Blueprint)
	FString str;
	if (Blueprint)
		const UBlueprint * BlueprintObj = Cast<UBlueprint> (Blueprint->GetClass ()->ClassGeneratedBy);
		str = BlueprintObj->BlueprintDisplayName;
	return str;
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