UE4 / Trello roadmap questions.. any information?

There are a few items that are on the Trello roadmap that I am waiting for before I go into full development mode as I would very much like to use these items. I was wondering if we could get an ETA or any information on the following:

  • DX12 support: This one is huge, especially with the proclaimed performance increases.
  • VR Project Settings: I know there is a VR template, however, it would be a “nice to have” an official template for this
  • BodyInstance & Physics Volume Gravity settings: Hugely instrumental in creating one of my WIP’s
  • NavMesh on Moving Platforms: Again, this one is instrumental in my project
  • Patching support: Games need patched, preferably without eating up our client’s bandwidth
  • Sound Cue Instancing: Invaluable

As far as the optimization cards, we should all know that this will always be an ongoing practice, so no worries there. Also, would it be possible to add a few feature requests that I feel everyone would enjoy having:

  • Database connections / support in Blueprints
  • Support for Voice Recognition
  • Plugin support: Rather than having a company needing to release a full branch of UE4, allow support for “installable plugins”. This would, I feel, make it alot easier for people creating said plugins (OVR, NVidia, etc…) as well as the developer, or end user, as we don’t need to do GitMagic* in order to combine that different branches.


I know I posted this during the weekend, so I was hoping that since it is in the middle of the week to have an answer, or at least, some insight on the progress of the above.

Figured I would put the thread at the top so it’s at least seen.
